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ICARO Tools for SAP

ICARO Software has programmed several tools in the last decades. The following collection lists those tools which are of interest for every SAP customer.

For the communication via iDOC the ICARO BAPI handler or a comparable tool is required.


Export of SAP absences and attendances

This tool selects records for infotypes 2001 and 2002 in SAP. A more detailed description can be found here.

Export of SAP time events

This tool selects records for infotypes 2011 in SAP. A more detailed description can be found here.

Export of SAP time balances

This tool selects any time balances in SAP records. A more detailed description can be found here.

delete SAP time events

This tool allows to delete time events ( coming, going, …) “from outside”. A more detailed description can be found here.

ICARO Tools for SAP

Export of sap factory calender and holidays

This tool exports any factory calendar including holidays from SAP.

ICARO Tools for SAP PM/SM and SAP PS

extension of KK3 and KK4

Extension of the SAP standard iDocs e.g. by order and transaction texts, activity types and others.